If these types of HPV are found, the sample is then checked for any changes in the cells of your cervix. These can then be treated before they get a chance to turn into cervical cancer.You should automatically be on our register if you:
You should also be on our register if you have previously had a cervical screening test through CervicalCheck.
If you are 25 to 65 years of age and due to have your test you do not need to wait for a letter to book your test.
All of our doctors and practice nurse have a range of special interests and experience to help meet our patients’ individual needs.
We provide a comprehensive family planning service. We can insert and remove the Implanon implants for contraception. A comprehensive initial assessment is carried out
following which the most appropriate form of contraception is suggested. All forms of contraception, including the combined pill, the mini pill, barrier contraception and
sterilisation counselling are available according to individual preference and suitability for the woman involved.
The Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation. It can occur naturally or be due to specific treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy or when the ovaries are removed often at the time of hysterectomy.
The ovarian failure/removal results in low or rapidly reduced levels of hormones, most notably oestrogen, which triggers menopausal symptoms.
The Menopause itself is a retrospective diagnosis, hence it can be diagnosed officially twelve months after a woman’s last menstrual bleed. However, menopausal symptoms are often experienced in the “Peri-Menopausal” period, hence despite having their periods the fluctuating levels of oestrogen cause significant symptoms in many women.
The problems which arise include hot flushes, mood changes, joint pains, incontinence, painful sex caused by vaginal atrophy and memory changes to mention a few. Also Osteoporosis starts to become an issue for some women. After the menopause, there is a change in women’s metabolism causing their cholesterol to rise and therefore causing an increase in cardiovascular disease making heart attacks and stroke more of a possibility.
Don’t suffer in silence. Sometimes HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy may be the answer for you and there are other treatments and lifestyle changes which can help.
Booking? What is allergy? Allergies are an abnormal reaction by the body, which responds in an exaggerated way upon entering into contact with substances from the exterior, to which most other individuals do not normally react. These substances are called allergens. An allergic reaction is therefore an exaggerated defensive response or hypersensitivity of theLeer Más