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July 28, 2022

Today, it is World Hepatitis Day. Viral hepatitis is an infection that causes liver inflammation and damage. There are several viruses that cause this disease and some of them are transmitted differently.

Hepatitis A and E are spread through contact with food or water that has been contaminated by an infected person’s stool.  You can also get hepatitis E by eating uncooked pork, deer, or shellfish. These viruses cause acute, or short-term, infections that your body can fight on its own.

Hepatitis B, C and D are transmitted through contact with an infected person’s blood. Although, B and D can be also spread through contact with other body fluids. This can occur by sharing needles or having unprotected sex. These infections can be acute, but also chronic if your body cannot fight the virus and it does not disappear. Chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. That is why, early diagnosis and a good treatment are essential. Come to our clinic as soon as possible if you think that you are suffering from hepatitis.


Hoy es el día mundial de la hepatitis viral o vírica, una infección que causa inflamación y daño al hígado. Hay varios tipos de virus que causan esta enfermedad y cada uno se trasmite de una forma.

La hepatitis A y la E se producen a causa del contacto con alimentos o agua contaminadas por las heces de una persona infectada. También se puede contraer por carne poco cocinada de cerdo, venado o mariscos. Estos virus causan infecciones agudas de corta duración que el cuerpo puede combatir por sí solo.

La hepatitis B, C y D se transmiten a través del contacto con la sangre de una persona infectada. Aunque la B y la D también se pueden contagiar por el contacto con otros líquidos corporales. Esto puede ocurrir compartiendo agujas o manteniendo relaciones sexuales sin protección. Las infecciones de este tipo pueden ser agudas, pero también crónicas si el cuerpo no puede combatir el virus y este no desaparece. La hepatitis crónica puede provocar cirrosis, insuficiencia hepática y cáncer de hígado. Por eso, su diagnóstico temprano y un tratamiento adecuado es primordial. Acude a nuestra clínica inmediatamente si crees que podrías tener hepatitis.



May 5, 2022

This Friday is the International No Diet Day and now that Summer is around the corner, everyone wants to look their best and they are going to try to get into shape faster and more dangerously. This means that people are going to try to lose weight without medical control, looking for the so-called “miracle diets” which get advertised to us in every single way possible. The problem with these “miracle diets”, or even with exercising until our body is completely exhausted, is that it can do more bad than good to our own health, causing problems for the lack of essential nutrients that our body needs in order to function correctly. One of the most commonly known diseases is anemia. This illness provokes a lower oxygen level in our bloodstream and it can make us dizzy or tired. However, this is not the only problem a very harsh diet can cause; loss of hair, arrhythmia, cardiovascular issues are some of the many more problems.

From E&S Doctors, we want to promote a healthy lifestyle and even more important, the acceptance of everyone’s body as it is.


Este viernes es el día Día Internacional sin Dietas, y ahora que llega el verano, todo el mundo quiere deshacerse de esos kilitos de más para poder lucir un cuerpo que esté mucho más aceptado por las normas sociales de hoy día, lo que lleva a que mucha gente haga las llamadas dietas milagro o intente comer menos y hacer mucho ejercicio sin consultar con ningún especialista, pensando que eso es lo que su cuerpo necesita. El problema es que, muchas veces, tiene pocos beneficios a corto y largo plazo. Esto puede producir problemas y deficiencias de nutrientes esenciales para el perfecto funcionamiento de nuestro cuerpo. Una de las enfermedades más conocidas es la llamada anemia, la cual se define como una disminución de glóbulos rojos que son los encargados de transportar el oxígeno en nuestra sangre y se puede presentar como cansancio y debilidad. Algunos otros peligros de las dietas severas y sin control puede ser la caída del pelo, arritmia, complicaciones cardiovasculares y desmayos

Desde E&S Doctors abogamos por una dieta sana y por algo incluso más importante: aceptarse tal y como somos.





November 13, 2020

Diabetes is an illness concerning the glucose level in the blood being higher than normal. This means that the body cannot handle it properly and stops producing a hormone called insulin, that helps synthesize the glucose in the food to help giving energy to the body cells. There are two types, one is type 1 and the other is type 2.

Type 1 Diabetes is hereditary, but it can appear anywhere throughout anyone’s life. Type 2 in the other hand, is bound to different previous pathologies such as age, cholesterol, obesity, sedentary life, etc. In order to prevent the appearance of type 2 diabetes, it is advisable to have a well-balanced life. Eat healthy food, do some exercise and taking care of yourself in general are some of the recommendations to prevent diabetes.


La diabetes es una enfermedad en la que los niveles de glucosa en sangre, más comúnmente conocida como el azúcar, son más altos de lo normal. Esto se debe a que el cuerpo, deja de producir una hormona denominada insulina, que ayuda a sintetizar la glucosa de los alimentos que comemos y suministrársela a las células. Existen diferentes tipos: tipo 1 y tipo 2.

La diabetes tipo 1 suele ser hereditaria, aunque puede aparecer a lo largo de la vida. La de tipo 2 está asociada a otras patologías, como pueden ser la edad, obesidad, colesterol, etc. Para intentar prevenir la aparición de diabetes tipo 2, la mejor forma es mantener una vida equilibrada; comer sano, hacer ejercicio y cuidarse son los mejores remedios para prevenir la aparición de este tipo de enfermedad.




October 19, 2020

Today, due to the International Day against breast cancer, we want to remind you of some questions about this type of cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that forms on the breasts and it is most commonly diagnosed in women, although it can also occur in men. The number of deaths associated with breast cancer are declining due to important factors as earlier detection, personalized treatments and a better understanding of this disease.
This cancer develops when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally, which makes them to divide more rapidly than the healthy ones and, therefore, forming lumps. Researchers have identified some factors that may increaser your risk of having this disease like being a woman or a family history of breast cancer. Nevertheless, it is not known why some people without risk factors develop this cancer. From E&S Doctors, we want to recommend you to go immediately to the doctor if you find a lump in your breasts because it is one of the most common signs. You can also detect a change in size or shape of your breast, peeling or crusting in your skin; you can even have redness or pitting of the skin over your breast. Furthermore, we want to help fighting against breast cancer by giving some advice to women so they can help prevent the risk of developing it. That’s why, you have to talk to your doctor about breast cancer screening exams, do self-exams on your breasts and remember that you can come to our clinic if you need any more information. In E&S Doctors, we care about your health and we fight against breast cancer.



August 13, 2020

On the occasion of the International Left Handers Day, taking place this August 13th, from E&S Doctors we want to state all the difficulties that lefthanders face in a mainly righthander society. Taking into consideration that one in 10 people in the world are lefthanded, we should know about the challenges that they face when using certain tools design for righthanders as scissors or spiral notebooks. That’s not all, throughout history some lefthanders have been discriminated against and harassed, like those children who were corrected so they would not use that hand to write.

Causes for being lefthanded are completely unknown, although there is some hypothesis that point to an asymmetrical developing of the brain, that is to say, the person has the right hemisphere of the brain more developed because of genetic inheritance. Nevertheless, this is not scientifically proven and it is also not proven that being lefthanded has any effect on health, beyond those daily disadvantages that they face in a world made for righthanders. So, if you are lefthanded or not, you can celebrate this day by vindicating the production of affordable tools for lefthanders so that you are asking for equal opportunities. Or you can throw a party with your lefthander friends… and righthanders too. The important thing is to not treat this as a disease because, in E&S Doctors, we know that it is not. Happy International Left Handers Day!


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