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November 2, 2020

English version

Thrombosis, also known as thrombotic disease, is a disorder comprehending the apparition of blood clots in the circulatory system. There are two different types: arterial thrombi or venous thrombi. Due to this circulatory system alteration, some inner organs can be affected, because this disease appears when there is not enough circulation of the blood in the veins or arteries. Some problems that may be caused by these are: strokes, heart attacks and, pulmonary embolism, among many others.

Some symptoms that you need to recognize are pain in arms and legs and fatigue. Lastly, this disease appears due to the increased tendency of blood clotting, that occurs when there is a higher concentration of this agents in the body. The good thing about this sickness is its easy way of fighting it. For example, exercising and moving as much as possible are two of the easiest ways of dealing with it. Although, in some extreme cases there is the need of medical attention and surgery or a heparin injection for people that needs to be resting for another medical ailment, such as a sprain.


Spanish version

La trombosis, también conocida como enfermedad trombótica, es un trastorno que conlleva la aparición de coágulos de sangre en el sistema circulatorio. Los hay de dos tipos: trombos arteriales o trombos venosos. Debido a esta alteración del sistema circulatorio, algunos órganos internos también se pueden ver afectados, ya que lo que implica este tipo de enfermedad es una falta de circulación. Algunos de los problemas que puede causar son: infarto cerebral, infarto de miocardio, embolia pulmonar, entre otros.

Algunos de los síntomas que esta dolencia implica son dolores en las extremidades, como pantorrilla o muslo y sensación de pesadez, entre los más comunes. Por último, las causas más frecuente de esta enfermedad es un incremento de la tendencia de la coagulación sanguínea que se da cuando aumenta la concentración de agentes de coagulación. Esta indisposición es fácil de prevenir, la mejor forma de hacerlo es intentar no mantenerse inmóvil y hacer ejercicio para evitar que se formen coágulos en la sangre. Aunque también existen remedios médicos, tales como la intervención quirúrgica o la inyección de heparina, este último siendo más común para pacientes que por otros motivos externos tienen que permanecer en cama durante un período determinado de tiempo.





October 19, 2020

Today, due to the International Day against breast cancer, we want to remind you of some questions about this type of cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that forms on the breasts and it is most commonly diagnosed in women, although it can also occur in men. The number of deaths associated with breast cancer are declining due to important factors as earlier detection, personalized treatments and a better understanding of this disease.
This cancer develops when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally, which makes them to divide more rapidly than the healthy ones and, therefore, forming lumps. Researchers have identified some factors that may increaser your risk of having this disease like being a woman or a family history of breast cancer. Nevertheless, it is not known why some people without risk factors develop this cancer. From E&S Doctors, we want to recommend you to go immediately to the doctor if you find a lump in your breasts because it is one of the most common signs. You can also detect a change in size or shape of your breast, peeling or crusting in your skin; you can even have redness or pitting of the skin over your breast. Furthermore, we want to help fighting against breast cancer by giving some advice to women so they can help prevent the risk of developing it. That’s why, you have to talk to your doctor about breast cancer screening exams, do self-exams on your breasts and remember that you can come to our clinic if you need any more information. In E&S Doctors, we care about your health and we fight against breast cancer.



September 18, 2020

Lymphatic drainage is a technique consisting in applying gentle massages in some parts of the body to improve the movement of the lymphatic system, which is part of the immunological system. This system is in charge of transporting waste and toxins from the bodily tissues, causing oedemas to appear if they are not eliminated correctly. The pressure that is applied with this type of massage helps dragging towards the circulatory system those retained fluids. Furthermore, the lymphatic system acts as an organism defence, helping neutralise damages.

Massages are applied during a lymphatic drainage must be gentle and painless. Moreover, it must be applied in the direction of lymphatic conduits and never last less than an hour to have full effect. Through this technique, you can obtain great benefits like the reactivation of lymphatic circulation, helping eliminate the excess of liquid in the organism. That is why, it improves the aspect of the skin, stimulates kidney function, makes blood circulation better and has a relaxing effect against stress and anxiety



August 28, 2020

Turner syndrome, which affects only women, happens when the X chromosome is missing and causes problems like short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects. Fortunately, it can be diagnosed before the child is born or in early childhood. However, it requires constant medical care from a variety of specialists. Signs of this illness vary from woman to woman and it may not be apparent in some while, in other girls, has several physical features. At the beginning, these symptoms can be subtle and develop slowly, becoming significant, such as heart defects.

Before birth, it can be diagnosed thanks to a DNA screening or an ultrasound, which can show large fluid collection on the back of the neck, heart abnormalities or abnormal kidneys. At birth, the child can have a wide neck, high and narrow roof of the mouth, swelling in hands and feet, short height, cardiac defects or a receding, small lower jaw, among other conditions. Nevertheless, during the period that goes from childhood to adulthood, signs become more frequent and common. These are: short height, ovarian insufficiency, slowed growth, early endo of menstrual cycles and inability to conceive a child without a proper fertility treatment. That’s why, from E&S Doctors, we recommend women to get some tests to detect as soon as possible Turner syndrome and go see a specialist.



August 13, 2020

On the occasion of the International Left Handers Day, taking place this August 13th, from E&S Doctors we want to state all the difficulties that lefthanders face in a mainly righthander society. Taking into consideration that one in 10 people in the world are lefthanded, we should know about the challenges that they face when using certain tools design for righthanders as scissors or spiral notebooks. That’s not all, throughout history some lefthanders have been discriminated against and harassed, like those children who were corrected so they would not use that hand to write.

Causes for being lefthanded are completely unknown, although there is some hypothesis that point to an asymmetrical developing of the brain, that is to say, the person has the right hemisphere of the brain more developed because of genetic inheritance. Nevertheless, this is not scientifically proven and it is also not proven that being lefthanded has any effect on health, beyond those daily disadvantages that they face in a world made for righthanders. So, if you are lefthanded or not, you can celebrate this day by vindicating the production of affordable tools for lefthanders so that you are asking for equal opportunities. Or you can throw a party with your lefthander friends… and righthanders too. The important thing is to not treat this as a disease because, in E&S Doctors, we know that it is not. Happy International Left Handers Day!



July 16, 2020

From E&S Doctors, we want to help raising awareness to prevent and control cardiovascular risk factors. In order to do that, we want to promote some healthy habits that will make you reduce the possibility of having any heart disease because these diseases are the first cause of death in may developed countries.

There are some risk factors that can be reduce or removed if you want to avoid cardiovascular diseases. In E&S Doctors, we are going to recommend you some so that you can improve your life quality and help your heart feel better. To begin with, a healthy and balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and fish is a must, just like exercising at least 30 minutes on a daily basis. Not smoking and keep an eye on your weight are also important. Furthermore, it is also advisable to watching your stress levels and annually checking your blood pressure, even if you are a healthy person, and going to the doctor for a physical test if a family member suffers from a heart disease.



March 12, 2020

On the occasion of World Kidney Day, in E&S Doctors, we want to pay attention to the problems that this may suffer. Kidneys are very important organs for our health. One of the main objectives in this day is to highlight that diabetes and high blood pressure are risk factors for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) or chronic kidney failure.

Your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from your blood. However, if you have chronic kidney disease in an advanced stage, these can build up and be dangerous. End-stage kidney failure can be fatal without artificial filtering or a kidney transplant. That’s why it is so important to take care of these organs. Even though diabetes and high blood pressure are risk factors, some ways of preventing this disease and treat your kidneys right are maintain a healthy diet, drink lots of water, exercise and not smoking. From E&S Doctors, we remind that kidneys are amazing and we must take care of them. Happy World Kidney Day!



February 26, 2020

On the occasion of the Rare Disease Day, hold next February 29th, we want to remember them today in E&S Doctors. To begin with, we have to mention that rare disease affects a small number of people and that’s why they’re called like that. In Europe, a disease is considered to be rare when it affects one person per 2,000. Nowadays, there are six or seven thousand rare diseases. Some of these are Huntington disease, Crohn disease, Kaposi’s sarcoma, etc.

The problem with these rare diseases is that most of them have no cure. However, treatments improve the quality of life and extend the life expectancy of those affected. Still they’re extremely unknown and it’s very difficult to identify and treat them. Despite that, science has provided many answers to these rare diseases and it’s expected to be the case thanks to the progress of the future.



February 19, 2020

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause from a common cold to a severe acute respiratory syndrome. One of these viruses is the new one that appeared in 2019 and that has been identified as the cause of an outbreak that began in China. It has been called COVID-19. Although there isn’t much known about this virus yet, public health groups as WHO are monitoring it closely and have issued recommendations for preventing it, such as washing your hands often, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, avoiding contact with anyone who is sick or sharing things if you’re sick, and also staying at home if you’re sick.

Symptom may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to this coronavirus and include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Most people with severe illness have been adults or had other existing medical conditions. However, it’s unclear how it spreads, but it may be by air when someone with the virus coughs or sneezes. Furthermore, risk factors include recent travel from or residence in China and close contact with someone that has this coronavirus, but there is still much unknown about the virus and it is been still investigated.



February 12, 2020

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are normally contracted by sexual contact, but they can also be transmitted from mother to infant during pregnancy or even through blood transfusions or shared needles. The most common thing is that the organisms that cause them pass from person to person in blood, semen or bodily fluids.

STDs don’t always cause symptoms and it’s usual to contract them from people who seem perfectly healthy. These sexually transmitted diseases may go unnoticed until complications. However, some symptoms can be noticed that indicate that we have caught a STDs, like: sores or bumps on the genitals or rectal area, painful urination, discharge from the penis, odd-smelling vaginal discharge or even unusual vaginal bleeding, pain during sex, fever or rash in hands or feet.


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