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December 22, 2019

La cirrosis es una etapa de cicatrización del hígado causada por muchas enfermedades hepáticas, como hepatitis o alcoholismo crónico. Cada vez que el hígado sufre una lesión, por enfermedad o consumo excesivo de alcohol, intenta repararse a sí mismo. Para ello, forma un tejido de cicatrización. Conforme esta enfermedad avanza, se forman más tejidos de cicatrización y el hígado funciona con dificultad. La cirrosis avanzada puede llegar a ser mortal. Normalmente, el daño causado por esta enfermedad no se puede curar, pero, si la cirrosis hepática se diagnostica pronto y se trata, se puede limitar el avance del daño.

La cirrosis no suele presentar síntomas hasta que las lesiones del hígado son grandes. Cuando sí hay signos, estos pueden ser: fatiga, hemorragias o hematomas que aparecen con facilidad, pérdida de apetito o peso, náuseas, decoloración de la piel, acumulación de líquido en el abdomen, confusión, somnolencia y dificultad en el habla. Las casusas más comunes son abuso de alcohol, hepatitis viral crónica, fibrosis quística, etc. Además, uno de los mayores factores de riesgo es el consumo excesivo de alcohol. Por ello, en E&S Doctors, te recomendamos no consumir demasiado durante estas fiestas



December 19, 2019

Celiac disease, also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is an immune reaction to a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Eating gluten triggers a response in your small intestine. Over time, this reaction damages your intestine’s lining and prevents the absorption of some nutrients. In children, this can affect growth, apart from causing the symptoms seen in adults. There is no cure for this disease, but a gluten-free diet can help control the symptoms and promote intestinal healing.

The signs of celiac disease can vary greatly and, sometimes, can be different in children and adults. Some of those that affect digestive system are: diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and constipation. However, adults have also symptoms as anaemia, osteoporosis, skin rash, mouth ulcers, headaches or reduced functioning of the spleen. As for children, signs that have something to do with digestive problems are similar to those seen in adults, but they are prone to be very irritable, having damage in tooth enamel, short stature or a delayed puberty.



December 12, 2019

Marfan syndrome is an inherited disorder that affects the fibres that support your organs and other parts of your body. Usually, it commonly affects the heart, eyes, blood vessels and skeleton. The damage caused can be mild or severe. If it affects your aorta, the condition can become life-threatening. People with this syndrome are, typically, very tall and thin with very long arms, legs, fingers and toes. Treatment includes, for example, medications to keep your blood pressure low. Regular monitoring to check the progression of the condition is vital because some people may require surgery to repair the aorta if necessary.

The symptoms of Marfan syndrome vary a lot, even among members of the same family. Some are mild, while others can be a threat to the life of the person suffering from it. Among them, we can find: tall and slender build, disproportionately long arms, legs and fingers, a breast bone that protrudes outward or dips inward, crowded teeth, heart murmurs, extreme near-sightedness, a very curved spine and flat feet. Some symptoms can cause cardiovascular, eye or skeletal complications.


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