World Antibiotic Awareness Week

November 28, 2019 by esdoctors

World Antibiotic Awareness Week, hold on November’s third week every year, aims to increase awareness of antibiotic resistance and to encourage better practices for this to stop happening because it is a problem that affects us all. The process to solve this is long, but not impossible. We all know that thanks to antibiotics we can cure diseases that we could not cure in the past, but misusing them, the things achieved do not work anymore because we are acquiring an immunity. If bacteria are resistant to them, the treatment is not going to work.

Because of this, in E&S Doctors, we recommend to make a good use of antibiotics. This is really easy, following doctors and experts pharmacists’ advices. The best thing is to take antibiotics only when they are prescribed by a doctor, always following their indications and in case we have any leftover antibiotics when the treatment ends, we need to take them to a Drug Take Back site. With these easy steps, we help antibiotics to have their full effect and to keep fighting diseases that were fatal in the past.

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